The soothing songs that had caused the desires to do something for the furtherance of God works in the Islands. The smiles of childrens, and soon you will also be bless with children and they are God gift. Precious in His sight, now wandering and playing, innocently joyful for a short time. With lack of opportunity and education, these precious children will be soon get discourage and find life meaningless in the trap Islands. What you are seeing now in the Islands, beettle nuts and beer are their companion. Brother, plant the seed fast and with the fund, as God tarry, we can build a church to shelter and bring these children for the supper that God has for these children.
God is not going to fail in doing His part. If you are defeated, you are defeated with your own lips. (Prov 6:2)
If you talk about trials, difficulties, it anythings, lack of faith and lack of money etc - your faith will shrivel and dry up. If you confess sickness, it will develop sickness in your system. If you talk about doubts and fears, they will grow and become stronger. If you confess lack of of finances, it will stop the money from coming in.
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